RISHA Logo     Rhode Island Swedish Heritage Association (RISHA)

Coming Events

Saturday, December 14, 4:00 pm.   Lucia Fest at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 99 Peirce St., East Greenwich, RI.


We invite girls and boys to participate in this year's festivities. Their friends are also welcome! We are seeking attendants, star boys, and tomtar (small Santas), as well as Lucia. Costumes will be supplied.

Young women between the ages of 15 and 23 with an interest in Scandinavian heritage are invited to apply to portray Lucia. A $1000 cash scholarship prize will be awarded to the one chosen as Lucia. Candidates will be judged by a short written essay, their participation in the Lucia pageant, attendance at the preparatory rehearsals, and an oral interview. Deadline for the written application for Lucia must be postmarked by December 4.

Rehearsals begin Friday, November 15, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Luke's Church. There will be three or four total rehearsals, including the dress rehearsal on December 13.

See flyer for more details.


The program on December 14 will include the Lucia procession, songs by a chorus, a children's skit, and seasonal music by Greenwich Bay Brass. That will be followed by Swedish refreshments, dancing around the Christmas tree, a visit from jultomte (Swedish Santa), and Scandinavian shopping. "The Swedes in Rhode Island" book, hot of the press, will be available for purchase.

Admission is $12 ($5 for ages 5-14, free for under 5). A portion of the price goes to the scholarship. Enjoy the beautiful candlelit ceremony celebrating Scandinavian culture, which signals the beginning of the Swedish Christmas season.

Members-only event. Date TBD.

This event for members only is in the early planning stage. Check back for information.

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